Inner Peace

Besides breathing and eating, the most important daily activity you can engage in is to spend quiet time going within and connecting with your Higher Self. There are also many health benefits associated with meditation and daily prayer. PHYSICALLY you will experience health benefits as you relax and relieve stress. As you work through problems, you will become better equipped to handle stressors as they emerge. MENTALLY you will become more alert and focused. EMOTIONALLY you will begin to balance yourself in all situations, regaining…


Walk in Nature

Today, take time to walk in Nature to revitalize yourself. Walk in the early morning to set the energy for the day, allowing yourself to be more relaxed and in joy. Greet the morning sun. Go to bed earlier in the evening. There is nothing more refreshing than to enjoy a place of peace as the sun rises and sets. While you walk in nature, breathe in and out deeply, focusing on the way you would like to behave this day. If there is someone…


Love, Gratitude and Peace Meditation

Experience this love, gratitude and peace meditation every day. If possible, go into nature and take a gentle walk. Pay attention to all you see around you. Let the love of Source fill your Being while basking in the glory of your Essence. Slowly and deeply, breathe in and out in cycles. With the first inbreath, inhale pure love from Source feeling every cell in your body filled with this love. As you breathe out, send love back to Source. On the second inbreath, inhale…


Soul Connection 71 ~ Let Go And Be

What do you wish to create? Your future begins now, in this moment. No matter what you have experienced in the past, the Path you walk today creates your future. Take time to quiet your mind and relax your body. Take a few moments to breathe in and out, releasing the thoughts and cares of the day. Feel your muscles relax while focusing on your breathing. Take a moment to reflect on the circumstances of your life. Feel gratitude for each of the blessings that…


Soul Connection 49 ~ Balancing Act

Take time each day to quiet your mind and go within. Begin first thing in the morning before you arise. Feel gratitude for the experience of being on Earth at this time. Be mindful of all the blessings you have. Set your intentions and ask for guidance for what you choose to create this day. Now you are ready to arise and begin your day. Refresh your body by drinking plenty of water. If you must have coffee to start your day, have at least…


Soul Connection 6 ~ Transformation

Are you ready to transform your life by shedding old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you? Take several long, deep breaths. Clear your mind of the concerns of the day. Focus on your breath, as you allow your body and mind to relax. Think of something in your life that you would like to shed or change. If it is a problem you wish to resolve, consider possible solutions. How does it make you feel when this issue comes into your consciousness? What…


Soul Connection 4 ~ New Beginnings

Take a moment to quiet your mind, letting loose any concerns of the day. Retreat to a quiet space where it is likely you will not be disturbed. Being in nature is optimal, especially sitting against a large tree. Get into a comfortable position. Allow your body to relax. Pay attention to your breathing. Take a deep breath in, hold it a moment, and then let your breath out fully. Repeat this until your body releases tension. Then resume your normal breathing pattern. Is there…


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