10 Unconditionally Love Tips

Are you ready to unconditionally love yourself and others? Here are some starter points. Tell yourself often you are perfect and pure. Stop any thoughts you have that condemn yourself. Choose instead to visualize how you will change your future behaviors and rectify past behaviors. Step out of your box and dare to eat, speak, dress, walk, play, rest, dance and sing in manners that are fitting of the truth you wish to proclaim. Be kind to yourself and all others. Smile at everyone and…


Visualize then Realize

Visualize, then realize is part of the creative process. Spend time visualizing how you would like to live your life on a personal level and within the global community. Take into account governmental leadership, corporate leaders and the lay of the land. How do you wish to commune with nature, by living in a setting near a forest or the beach? Do you wish to grow any of your own food or have a local source for fresh foods? What types of skin care products…


Morning Reflections

Every morning, communicate with your Higher Self and Spirit Guides. Invoke Archangel Micha-el and your favorite Masters to energize a shield of protection around you. Ask your Higher Self if there are any priorities for you to attend to this day. Request that messages from your Guides come clearly and in ways that allow you to know they are from them. Ask that the reminders to stay on your Path be graceful. Practice tuning in for guidance each moment of the day. Ask your body…

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Every day spend time visualizing how you would like to live your life on a personal level and within the global community. Take into account governmental leadership, corporate leaders and the lay of the land. How do you wish to commune with nature, by living in a setting near a forest or the beach?  Do you wish to grow any of your own food or have a local source for fresh foods? What types of skin care products do you wish to have available? Do…

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Lightworkers Unite!

Lightworkers, gather together and visualize the world you wish to create. No longer can we sit idly by waiting for everyone else to do the work. Roll up your sleeves and delve into the work at hand. Working together, take the necessary steps to create this dream into reality. You have unique talents. Decide what role you wish to play during this transition. No role is too small; however, there is the risk of taking on too much. Decide for yourself which skills you have…

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E.T. Phone Home

E.T. Phone Home - There are a growing number of people who have created the belief that E.T.s will be coming to Earth to save humans from inevitable destruction. Although many are here to assist the human race, your only savior is you. You are fully responsible for what you choose every moment. When you place your hope on a savior, you give away your personal power. This is never a wise thing to do. Every human on Earth has lived elsewhere before this incarnation,…


Unconditionally Love: 10 Tips

Are you ready to unconditionally love yourself and others? Here are some starter points. 1. Tell yourself often you are perfect and pure. 2. Stop any thoughts you have that condemn yourself. Choose instead to visualize how you will change your future behaviors and rectify past behaviors. 3. Step out of your box and dare to eat, speak, dress, walk, play, rest, dance and sing in manners that are fitting of the truth you wish to proclaim. 4. Be kind to yourself and all others.…


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