Changing Behaviors

Message from the Masters Solstice Celestial Gathering June 21, 2021 Greetings Beloved, As we enter into a new season, this is a wonderful time to go within and review what you have experienced this past season. Were there some unmet goals that are still of importance to you? Were there some blessings that have filled your heart with gratitude? How are you doing with your thoughts? Are you monitoring them, so that you can fine-tune “who” you want to be? What about the words that…


Message from the Masters: March 28, 2021

Below is a video of the moon rising last night. This does no justice to the beauty as it changed from pink hues, to reds, then gold before appearing behind a mist throughout the Gathering. I am delighted to be in a new space where I can go outside and film without feeding the mosquitoes! Message from the Masters Full Moon Celestial Gathering March 28, 2021 Greetings Dear Ones, We are excited to be a conscious part of your daily walk on earth. We wish…



Conscious living is when you recognize and acknowledge your beliefs. Pay attention to the choices you make in each moment. These choices will blatantly and sometimes subtly lead you to the understanding of the foundations you have built your life upon. Take time daily to question your beliefs, not just for your benefit, but also for the betterment of all. We are all from the same Source and will return to the same Source. Once this is fully understood, it will be much easier for…


Stuck in a Rut?

Do you feel like you are stuck in a rut? There is more that you have to offer in life besides your daily routine. What is required is that you move out of the box and open the door to the vast array of possibilities that are offered freely to you. You may need to turn off your television, internet and other sources of information that keep you bogged in the doom and gloom feelings of despair. Place your focus on things that inspire you.…

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Soul Connection 89 ~ Setting Intentions

The following are steps to setting your intentions. 1. Clearly focus on one thing you wish to bring about. 2. State your intention, what it is you wish to experience. Follow your intention with the phrase, “for my highest good and for the highest good of all concerned, gracefully.” 3. Visualize yourself experiencing this goal, using your five senses. 4. Know that the steps towards its manifestation are now in progress. 5. Thank all of those who are assisting in creating this reality. Expect the…


Soul Connection 83 ~ Moving Beyond Doubt

There is nothing wrong with doubt, for there are many false teachers and many invalid responses to scientific query. However, instilled within you is a way of knowing what is true and what is the best solution for whatever you seek. How can you tap into this knowingness to such a degree that you move beyond doubt? Can you recall moments when you just knew something was going to happen and it did? Have you ever been thinking about calling someone on the phone, while…


Soul Connection 74 ~ Victim Be Gone!

How to slay the pains of the past and present? Personally removing yourself as a "victim” is the lock, forgiveness is the key. Are you ready to change your way of thinking and release yourself from your self-imposed prison? It can happen in the twinkling of an eye, whenever you make the conscious choice to stop beating yourself up or convincing yourself that this is your lot in life. First, you must fully desire to give up your role as victim. Accept any part of…


Soul Connection 68 ~ Open the Door

There is no grander adventure than to be fully aware of your spiritual nature while residing in human form. Each belief you change and each fear you overcome unlocks another series of doors to explore. There is no stopping your ability to change anything in your life at any time. Open each door, peak inside and enter those that interest you. If you open a door that does not interest you, simply close it and continue to the next. As you learn to say “No,…


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