Live in the Moment

Live in the moment, for this moment is truly all you have, for all other moments have now faded away. All future moments are simply possible moments, depending on what you choose in this moment. Once you grasp this concept, you will see that you are totally in control of how you feel and that you are the co-creator of the things you wish to experience. When you uncover areas of your life you wish to change, take that moment to find ways to change…


Attend to Your Needs

When you attend to your needs, your emotions, body and mind work together. When out of balance, it affects others. The importance of setting time aside daily for reflection cannot be overstated. Go within and seek things that are holding you back from your true destiny, a life filled with joy and abundance. Bless your emotions, whether you deem them good or bad, for there is importance and value in each. In your daily reflections, arouse the highly charged emotions that drive you toward fulfilling…


Darkness to Light

If you wish to change your vibration on Earth, you will need to release any dark energy that inhibits you from accepting the blessings of free-flowing love. Spend time reflecting on your own inner darkness rather than what others have done. You have no control over their choices, only your own. There is no other thing on Earth that is more important. You are the creator of your reality. Yes, there are things that are beyond your control due to the mass consciousness of large…


Change your life!

There are many changes occurring on Earth and within yourself at this time. You may feel a quickening happening within your body. At times, you may feel as though you are going insane, for you have thoughts, feelings and physical vibrations that you have never experienced before. This is all part of what many call the "ascension process," which has been written about in nearly every ancient religious text. Your current beliefs hold tremendous power over your ability to make choices that are in your…

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Stumbling Blocks

One way to gracefully overcome obstacles is to prepare yourself before you stumble. Many trip over the same rock several times and either are unaware of repeating this pattern or once aware, decide to take measures not to stumble on the rock again. This is the difference between unconscious and conscious living. When you pay attention to what is happening around you, life becomes more meaningful and magical. Once you are consciously aware of the rock in your path, come up with solutions to avoid…


Release your Inner Child

Are you ready to release your inner child? Let us celebrate by making joyful noises! Release your inhibitions and begin to sing. Make up words as you go, they need not be in a language you know; they can be just silly utterances. Build your crescendo, play with the sounds. Ohm, if you choose. Shriek with delight. Make silly faces and movements. Have fun and release yourself your inner child. Make body movements; get up and dance around the room or better yet, in nature.…


Heavenly Helpers

Heavenly Helpers are always present to assist when called upon. Your positive attitude, coupled with a belief that there is good in all things, will assist you in overcoming any situation. Once you connect with your Higher Self and learn to ask directly for guidance in all situations, your life will become magical. Ask for guidance within the parameter, “for my highest good and the highest good of all concerned." Then watch for the magic to begin. Many times, prayers go unanswered or so it…


We are One

We are One! All humans come from the same Source and will return to the same Source at the appointed time. We are made from the same organic materials. We are all brothers and sisters choosing to experience life in a physical setting. Many are spiritually awakening and feeling the urge to do something more. Others who are already awakened are feeling a push to get on with the work they came here to do. Some are feeling cornered and are making their last stand…


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