Making Changes

Within you lies the power to change anything in your life that is out of balance. All it takes is courage and the conscious awareness that there is something ready to be transformed. First, take a few moments to quiet your inner mind and outer world. Let go of the thoughts of the day. As you deeply breathe in and out, relax your muscles from your toes to your nose. Fill your heart with gratitude while focusing on the many blessings that are in your…


Changing Patterns

Changing patterns can be life-changing. You may encounter situations that feel uncomfortable because they are new. These situations may bring up a past time when you were presented with a similar situation that you handled poorly. What often occurs is that you are presented with a similar situation repeatedly until you work through it. Although the scenario may not be exactly the same, the basic premise is similar. Repeated patterns are usually a sign that an unresolved issue is ready to be healed. Love of…


Fine Tune

It is important to fine tune your frequency to match the Earth. As the frequency of the Earth rises, it affects every living and inanimate object on the surface and within. If these things do not match her frequency, they will lose their connection. In order to keep your connection with Earth during this time of transition, you will need to raise your vibrational frequency. The quickest, easiest and most effective way to raise your frequency is through deep experiences of love, peace and gratitude.…

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With teamwork, you can accomplish anything in a cohesive group.  Network and stay in communication with those you meet. Join together, supporting each other as needs arise. Comfort those who have fallen. Feed the hungry by teaching them to grow their own food or share skills they can use to earn the funds they need. Share the wealth you have accumulated through the years: knowledge, material gains and food resources. Teach each other how to heal inner wounds through prayer and meditation. Teach each other…


Enjoy Your Work

Do you enjoy your work? What is your passion? Can you answer this question? If not, then it is likely you are living with beliefs that are not in your best interest. Take time to go within and remember the things that jazzed your energy when you were younger. Why did you set these dreams aside? Which ones are worth resurrecting? Often people feel they should do big missions without realizing how much they impact others by doing small, everyday things. Look around, what needs…


Child Caretakers

In many situations, children are much wiser and on higher frequencies of love than their caretakers. The importance of allowing children to make choices for themselves cannot be overemphasized.  Caretakers role-model what they have learned, extending their fears and myths onto children. This may hamper their productivity. It is imperative to pay close attention to what you are modeling to them. Anything other than love and kindness is abusive and detrimental. Although many are doing these things without intentionally meaning to be harmful. Any moment…


Evolution: Moving On

What is evolution? Evolution simply means to change or progress from one way of being to another. Do you not see yourself evolving when you gain deeper understanding of love and how to implement it in your life? Many compare evolution to ascension, yet in reality, they are the same.  The term “ascension” in its esoteric form was coined by those who understood that each emotion carries a specific frequency. Love and gratitude are two of the highest frequencies while fear and hate are very…


Share Skills

Have you considered ways to share skills you have experienced with children who would be interested in learning from you? You can go about this in many ways. Tell your stories and teach your skills to family members: your children, grandchildren, nieces, their friends, etc. Call and schedule talks, storytelling or demonstrations at your local library. Contact local public, charter and private schools and ask for ways you can share your skills. There are also opportunities at trade shows, festivals, conferences and fairs. Be creative,…


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