A Bun Dance
Conscious Living: Love, in all forms, whether they are thoughts, words, actions or emotions are free flowing. They wisp in and out, flowing through the universe, creating waves of sensuality and causing tides of yumminess. On the other hand, fear-based emotions and thoughtforms stick together, creating a dense mass that is hard to penetrate. Through time, this will destroy your health as they manifest in a variety of diseases. With sincere desire and discipline, you will be able to release these thoughtforms before they manifest…
Which piece are you? Visualize a box filled with puzzle pieces. On the cover of the box is a beautiful scenic view of people going about their day in a quaint hillside town. Open the box and spread the pieces on the table. See yourself as being one piece of the puzzle, unique from the rest in color and design. As the pieces begin to fall into place, the scenic view begins to emerge. Once the pieces are all in place, take time to enjoy…
One affects all, when one person has a thought, it becomes an energetic field that floats outward. Higher frequency thoughtforms, such as love and gratitude, simply pass through dense masses. Lower frequencies collide with each other. Their essence is sticky, which allows them to glop to each other. When a person begins to change his thoughts, words and behaviors to those of higher frequencies, he uplifts himself, as well as everyone else. You may have heard the term “collective consciousness.” This refers to a proportionally…