Message from the Masters, January 28, 2021

Message from the Masters Full Moon Celestial Gathering January 28, 2021 Greetings Dear Ones, As we settle into the new year, take time to review the past few months. Are there areas of concern in which you were mentally, emotionally or physically challenged? Take time to go within to find the root causes. If you have now balanced these situations, take note on the mental and heart-felt choices you made to face and overcome these issues. If you swept the problem under the rug, this…


Empower vs Enable

Do you empower or enable people? If there are people or events in your life that keep you off balance, unplug from them or change your perspective. Keep your focus on your goals, not what others are thinking, saying or doing. Release yourself from obligations that are truly not yours. Many believe they are helping others while in reality they are stifling their own growth. Offer advice to those who request it. If they resist what you say, then let it be. They are not…


Receiving Gifts

When a person is blocked to either giving or receiving gifts, an imbalance occurs in the energetic field. Fear and misguided beliefs block the flow of love. To open the flow of abundance, take time to go within and seek the things that caused you to block the flow in the first place. Scrutinize these beliefs until you see how they no longer serve you. Forgive yourself and any others involved by allowing them to be responsible for their actions and inactions. Note what occurred,…


Enjoy Your Work

Do you enjoy your work? What is your passion? Can you answer this question? If not, then it is likely you are living with beliefs that are not in your best interest. Take time to go within and remember the things that jazzed your energy when you were younger. Why did you set these dreams aside? Which ones are worth resurrecting? Often people feel they should do big missions without realizing how much they impact others by doing small, everyday things. Look around, what needs…


Positive Outlook

When you have a positive outlook, every experience has the ability to mirror a positive message to you. You have the ability to change anything in your life, in the twinkling of an eye. No one can make you happy. Only you can keep yourself from experiencing happiness each moment of your life. Everything is simply an attitude away. You can change your attitude and maintain a positive outlook in all situations through diligence, observation and choice. This is why the work of moving through…


Soul Connection 63 ~ Purify

Purify simply means “to cleanse.” The first step in purification of the physical body is to fast, which allows your body time and energy to purge itself of unnecessary toxins and stored substances. Once purged, the body feels invigorated. You will find that as you improve your diet, your body odors will become pleasantly fragrant. Rather than slathering on chemically laden soaps and body rinses, sometimes a shower of water is all that is needed to cleanse the skin. Remember to bless and thank the…


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