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Receiving Gifts

When a person is blocked to either giving or receiving gifts, an imbalance occurs in the energetic field. Fear and misguided beliefs block the flow of love. To open the flow of abundance, take time to go within and seek the things that caused you to block the flow in the first place. Scrutinize these beliefs until you see how they no longer serve you.

Forgive yourself and any others involved by allowing them to be responsible for their actions and inactions. Note what occurred, bless the experience and change your perspective by exchanging negative thoughts for those of a more positive nature. At first, this may be difficult, however, with practice it will become easier until it becomes your way of being.

There will come a time when what others say and do will not affect you, for you will understand that your reality differs from theirs. In that moment, you will ascend vibrationally, knowing love in a deeper manner. If receiving gifts or compliments has been difficult for you. Begin today by accepting these gifts from others, offering a simple and heart-felt thank you in return. Know that you are worthy of all things good and make choices reflecting such. So be it and so it is!


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