Message from the Masters: Jan 13, 2021

Message from the Masters New Moon Celestial Gathering January 13, 2021 Greetings Dear Ones, Once again, we are excited to have the privilege of communing with you. We know that most of you can’t “see” us or “feel” us, but it is our pleasure that even under these circumstances, you still believe and connect. Know that we are always with you and helping to oversee the imbalances in the world. But without your requests for assistance, we cannot intervene. Thus, bring us your burdens and…


090220 Message from the Masters

090220 Message from the Masters Celestial Gathering Greetings Dear Ones, We are again ecstatic for this time to be with you. Whenever you reach out to us for assistance, you open more doors to wonderful possibilities than you can imagine. We know the times are troubling and many of you are struggling past the point of feeling overwhelmed. However, be of good cheer, for we are near. Whenever you reach for help outside of duality, you open new doors of possibilities towards bringing in more…

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June 21, 2020 New Moon Message

June 21, 2020 Message from the Masters New Moon Celestial Gathering   Greetings Dear Ones, We are indeed happy that you are consciously choosing to connect with us. Very few on earth know of us or believe in us and this indeed is a sad state of affairs, for they keep themselves locked in the misery that abounds on earth. However, be of good cheer, for those of you who are consciously awakening, just your presence alone on earth, does have a positive aspect for…


Spiritual Roots

Your Spiritual roots are created from pure love. There is nothing in the world that does not come from the inspiration of pure love. This is difficult to grasp when surrounded by experiences of Not-Love. Until you step into your power and see the bigger picture of what is happening on Earth, it is hard to exist in such a place. Have patience, for there is much that you can do to assist with the changes that are currently taking place. Many Lightworkers have come…


Ambassador of Love

Being an Ambassador of Love is the most important life goal you can achieve. As an extension of your Higher Self, you can make an impact in the physical realm. As you step forward into self-empowerment, releasing fears, fretful thoughts and habits that have kept you enslaved, reach out to your brothers and sisters, sharing your wisdom and knowledge. There are many on Earth that are shut down to esoteric teachings. You have the ability to be an Ambassador of Love, for you can reach…


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