Embrace All

EMBRACE ALL Love, like all emotions, has a unique energetic vibration. Every time a human reaches a new level of unconditional love, a higher level of vibration is also reached. The sense of loving others unconditionally increases. Eventually, you will see all others as equals, none greater and none lesser. You will come to the understanding that everyone is a child of the Creator playing a unique role on Earth. Begin to look into each other’s eyes and see a reflection of yourself and know…


Manifestation Process

Your Higher Self wrote the basic script for what you wish to experience together during this lifetime. This is a co-creation process that begins anew each moment. To make the most of your experience on Earth, go within and tune into your Higher Self, especially when setting conscious intentions. You may feel a gut reaction or knowingness as to whether your request is appropriate for you. If your prayer involves others, always check with their Higher Self for permission before interceding. In all cases, ask…


Ascension Process

The word “ascension” literally means, “to rise above.” What is it that you are rising above? It is the menial nature of duality. You have the ability to rise above mundane living and live in a world you co-create with others, both on Earth and with those living in other dimensions. Time and space are illusions to allow this experience to feel real. There was no other way for you to have the experience of "Not Love" when you were fully immersed in Divine Love.…



GO WITH THE FLOW Greetings Dear Ones, We are filled with joy whenever you seek our assistance and wish to communicate with us. As you know, the majority of people on earth are not consciously aware of what we can offer to them. So, it is indeed a blessing to us to assist those of you who wish to be in communion with us. As you know, things are a bit unsettled on earth, even more than the usual chaos. However, you do not need…

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The Root of All Evil

You may have heard the adage, "the love of money is the root of all evil." Although there are a myriad of causes of evil, it might be closer to the truth to say that fear is the root of most evil. Yet who determines what is evil, if all experiences are catalysts for growth? The Soul of each human will ultimately return to Source, bringing a wealth of experiences to share with the whole. It is the intention of the universe to allow each…


Create Your Reality

Be responsible for your thoughts, words and actions, for they create your reality. Notice the way you affect your world individually. Pay attention to the pros and cons of every action you take. Listen to those who have opposing views, for you may find fragments of truth you overlooked in your zealous appeal to be righteous. Read the labels on things you place on your body and ingest, for many are toxic and causing you great havoc. Rest when you are tired. Eat when you…


Experience the Universe

God is loving, allowing all of creation to experience whatever it chooses within the parameters set for this universe. Wise parents do the same, allowing their children to learn lessons for themselves. Although it is difficult at times to watch others follow paths you are sure will lead to pain or heartache, it is much worse to coddle them and cause them to miss opportunities to express themselves.   Look deeply into the beliefs you have surrounding God – Creator - Spirit. Rather than blindly…


Embrace All

Love, like all emotions, has a unique energetic vibration. Every time a human reaches a new level of unconditional love, a higher level of vibration is also reached. The sense of loving others unconditionally increases. Eventually, you will see all others as equals, as siblings, none greater and none lesser. You will come to the understanding that everyone is a child of the Creator playing a unique role on Earth. Begin to look into each other’s eyes and see a reflection of yourself and know…


Soul Connection 108 ~ Manifestation Process

Your Soul wrote the basic script for what you wish to experience together during this lifetime. This is a co-creation process that begins anew each moment. To make the most of your experience on Earth, tune into your Soul, especially when setting conscious intentions. You may feel a gut reaction or knowingness as to whether your request is appropriate for you. If your prayer involves others, always check with their Soul for permission to intercede. In all cases, ask what is for the highest good…


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