
Will you speak your Truth or be swayed by people and circumstances around you? Will your Truth be based on fear or love?


Thoughts, Words, Actions

Today, be mindful of your thoughts, words and actions. THOUGHTS: Before you lock yourself into a spiral of fear-filled thinking, stop yourself and literally, think again. WORDS: Before you utter or type a single word, T.H.I.N.K. and ask yourself if it is: Timely Honest I (Ego-Centered) Necessary Kind ACTIONS: Consider each action before you proceed; does it reflect what you truly desire? Include these disciplines each moment of every day until it becomes habitual. In so doing, you will find it easier to walk in…


Share Skills

Have you considered ways to share skills you have experienced with children who would be interested in learning from you? You can go about this in many ways. Tell your stories and teach your skills to family members: your children, grandchildren, nieces, their friends, etc. Call and schedule talks, storytelling or demonstrations at your local library. Contact local public, charter and private schools and ask for ways you can share your skills. There are also opportunities at trade shows, festivals, conferences and fairs. Be creative,…


10 Conversation Tips

Have you ever walked away from a conversation and not felt heard? These 10 Conversation Tips will help you be heard and hone your listening skills. 1. Practice gaining the attention of the person to whom you wish to speak. Ask them if this is an appropriate time to have a conversation. It would be good to give an approximate length of time you expect to converse. Thus, you are more likely to have the full attention of the one you wish to communicate with.…


Soul Connection 19 ~ Soar Like an Eagle

Like the eaglet, you must first be fed by your mama. This is like receiving information from other sources such as books, videos and conversations with those who feed you information to help you grow spiritually. Just as an eaglet sheds its baby feathers, so must humans shed their fears and out-dated beliefs in order to be able to fly. As negative beliefs are shed, allowing you to be in your integrity and to speak your truth, the freer you become. Like the eagle, you…


Soul Connection 17 ~ The Future is Now

Retain control of your life by going within on a daily basis. Clear your mind of the worries of the day. Ask your Soul to help you find ways to empower yourself. Work through any fears responsible for handing your freedom to others. Choose the life you wish to live. Rediscover what gives you joy and passion. Speak your mind. Know what it is you want. What is your truth? Speak it, with integrity. Remain true and stand your ground, saying “no” to things that…


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