Q & A on several topics

Theresa Crabtree, creator of the SoulCleanse®, candidly answers questions on a variety of topics including: Reptileans under the White House The Importance of Meditation How to Connect to God and Higher Self Is Satan and Hell real? Releasing Earthbound Spirits Energy Vampires Dark Entities that go to the Light Free Will https://youtu.be/VCXGlcfLwd0


Message from the Masters 121420

Message from the Masters December 14, 2020 Celestial Gathering Greetings Dear Ones, We again wish to thank for choosing to join with us during these important personal and global Celestial Gatherings. Right now, on earth, the gathering of Light-minded humans is essential in order to help “rise up” the whole. One’s personal ascension is a momentous occasion, for not only does it bring up the one, it also helps to raise the energy of the One. We are all intertwined as one huge energy field.…


Message from the Masters 091720

Message from the Masters September 17, 2020 Greetings Dear Ones, We are grateful indeed for those of you who are taking time to consciously connect with us. There is much we can do when we work in tandem. Many of us have walked the earth, for many lifetimes, experiencing the same pain and hurt that you have experienced. We know your pain and we hear your prayers. Understand that due to Free Will, your “soul contracts” before birth, any fears you hold onto and limiting…


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