Follow Your Dreams

Are you following your dreams? Do you feel unsatisfied in any area of your life? Take time to step back and re-discover who you are. When you were a child, you dreamed of things you wanted to experience in your life. However, as time passed, you were side-tracked or let others stomp on your dreams. Take time now to reflect back on the dreams you set aside. Which ones still spark your imagination? Look closely at those dreams and find ways to make them your…


Embrace All

EMBRACE ALL Love, like all emotions, has a unique energetic vibration. Every time a human reaches a new level of unconditional love, a higher level of vibration is also reached. The sense of loving others unconditionally increases. Eventually, you will see all others as equals, none greater and none lesser. You will come to the understanding that everyone is a child of the Creator playing a unique role on Earth. Begin to look into each other’s eyes and see a reflection of yourself and know…


Re-creating Your Self

RE-CREATING YOURSELF It is time to transcend low energy memories into new beliefs that will allow you to grow more into the beautiful Being that you are. You are already perfect, although you may no longer remember this is true. How can you shed fears and beliefs that keep you locked into a life of pain and sorrow? When going within, have the courage to face your fears and to accept responsibility for your emotions and actions. This is not to say that you are…


Manifestation Process

Your Higher Self wrote the basic script for what you wish to experience together during this lifetime. This is a co-creation process that begins anew each moment. To make the most of your experience on Earth, go within and tune into your Higher Self, especially when setting conscious intentions. You may feel a gut reaction or knowingness as to whether your request is appropriate for you. If your prayer involves others, always check with their Higher Self for permission before interceding. In all cases, ask…


Ascension Process

The word “ascension” literally means, “to rise above.” What is it that you are rising above? It is the menial nature of duality. You have the ability to rise above mundane living and live in a world you co-create with others, both on Earth and with those living in other dimensions. Time and space are illusions to allow this experience to feel real. There was no other way for you to have the experience of "Not Love" when you were fully immersed in Divine Love.…


Mirror Images

When you feel emotions such as anger, fear or frustration, they are often the result of unresolved issues. Like a mirror, other people and events trigger memories of a past experience which was too painful to deal with when it first occurred. Your senses also bring up emotional issues from the past. Looking at photographs, scents, songs, fabrics and tastes all have the ability to instantly take you back to a memory, sometimes one that has been deeply locked away for years. If the memory…


Breath of Life

BREATH OF LIFE Your breath is the most important element you need to exist on Earth. Try not breathing for just a few minutes and you will understand its importance. Breathing consciously while setting intentions is very powerful. There are many techniques on how to use the breath to energize the body, mind and soul. You might consider a conscious breathing exercise as part of your daily life. At first, conscious breathing methods can seem tedious as you learn to quiet the mind, which is…


Fine Tune

It is important to fine tune your frequency to match the Earth. As the frequency of the Earth rises, it affects every living and inanimate object on the surface and within. If these things do not match her frequency, they will lose their connection. In order to keep your connection with Earth during this time of transition, you will need to raise your vibrational frequency. The quickest, easiest and most effective way to raise your frequency is through deep experiences of love, peace and gratitude.…

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Many have been plagued with addictions of various types since early childhood.  Some have developed addictions such as alcohol, drugs and overeating as a medication to ease unresolved emotional pain. Resolve those pains, change your behaviors and your life will unfold. This may sound simplistic, but it really is all that needs to be done. Release yourself from the feelings of being a victim or punishing yourself for what others have chosen to do. Some have chosen food substances such as sugar or coffee as…


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