Mirror Images

When you feel emotions such as anger, fear or frustration, they are often the result of unresolved issues. Like a mirror, other people and events trigger memories of a past experience which was too painful to deal with when it first occurred. Your senses also bring up emotional issues from the past. Looking at photographs, scents, songs, fabrics and tastes all have the ability to instantly take you back to a memory, sometimes one that has been deeply locked away for years. If the memory…


Unconditional Love

To experience unconditional love, relinquish the need to change others. Focus your attention inward, on changing your attitude and beliefs. Once you are in control of your emotions and responses, you will have less need and desire to change others. The goal is to love freely, without the need to save others from experiencing whatever they choose. Go within and work on your ability to love others unconditionally. In the beginning, especially with difficult relationships, this may seem impossible. In these cases, work within yourself…


Love Exchange

We exchange love by giving and receiving. There are many facets of love such as compassion, kindness, respect and gratitude. When you send someone loving thoughts, they receive them in an instant. They may suddenly feel a warm rush of energy and not know why. Although it may be difficult to love those who trespass against you, these are your greatest teachers, for when you can love them, it becomes much easier to love yourself and others. Choose one person that is difficult for you…


Sexual Dysfunction

Release any guilt and shame for sexual conduct that you are presently or have previously indulged in. Look deeply at the activity that you have negative thoughts towards. Is this as an issue from the past? Then forgive yourself. If there is a need to apologize to another for something you have done, then do so. If it is not appropriate to forgive or apologize in person, then visualize yourself forgiving or apologizing to that person until you feel the energy leave you. Holding on…


Decrease Fear, Increase Love

In order to decrease fear and increase love, you must face your fears. Like a bully, your fears will dwindle and back off when you boldly confront them. Changing the behaviors that keep your fears intact requires effort and courage. This is your public statement that you are changing something inside yourself that no longer serves you. Some may encourage you, while others may ridicule you, but stand fast to your truth and press forward. Your love will exponentially increase with each fear you release,…


Soul Connection 74 ~ Victim Be Gone!

How to slay the pains of the past and present? Personally removing yourself as a "victim” is the lock, forgiveness is the key. Are you ready to change your way of thinking and release yourself from your self-imposed prison? It can happen in the twinkling of an eye, whenever you make the conscious choice to stop beating yourself up or convincing yourself that this is your lot in life. First, you must fully desire to give up your role as victim. Accept any part of…


Soul Connection 31 ~ Path to Joy

Many on Earth are so focused on their enlightenment and the future prospect of ascending that they totally miss all the pleasures of being in the Now. Many who are not consciously moving towards enlightenment are doing the same. It is understandable, for at this time on Earth, many cannot grasp even the basic necessities to stay alive such as food, shelter and clothing. Look around and notice how many cheerful people are in dire need. Ask them what their secret is. These people are…


Soul Connection 12 ~ Change Beliefs

You may encounter situations that feel uncomfortable because they are new or bring up a past times when you were presented with the same situation that you handled poorly. What often occurs is that you are presented with a similar situation repeatedly until you work through it. Although the exact scenario may not be the same, the basic premise is similar. Repeated patterns such as this are usually a sign for you to pay attention to an unresolved issue. Love of self and others involved…


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