Conscious Living

Conscious Living: Love, in all forms, whether they are thoughts, words, actions or emotions are free flowing. They wisp in and out, flowing through the universe, creating waves of sensuality and causing tides of yumminess. On the other hand, fear-based emotions and thoughtforms stick together, creating a dense mass that is hard to penetrate. Through time, this will destroy your health as they manifest in a variety of diseases. With sincere desire and discipline, you will be able to release these thoughtforms before they manifest…


One Affects All

One affects all, when one person has a thought, it becomes an energetic field that floats outward. Higher frequency thoughtforms, such as love and gratitude, simply pass through dense masses. Lower frequencies collide with each other. Their essence is sticky, which allows them to glop to each other. When a person begins to change his thoughts, words and behaviors to those of higher frequencies, he uplifts himself, as well as everyone else. You may have heard the term “collective consciousness.” This refers to a proportionally…


You Are a Living Library

You are a living library. Picture yourself as a hologram of original Source, completely one with All. Know that you are not separated from Source; you are temporarily playing a part in a role your Higher Self has chosen. Your role on Earth is important for all of creation, for it allows all to experience everything through you. Anything that has occurred can be accessed through the Akashic Records. As your body logs information during your daily walk, it is downloaded into the Records. Thus,…



Co-creation is the act of consciously working together to attain a specific goal. Through all ages, there have been Masters with incredible powers who have unlocked the secrets of the building blocks of this universe. Through their understanding, they have been able to do things that most humans cannot not do. However, veils between Dimensions are thinning, allowing information to flow freely to all who communicate with these Masters who have ascended duality. Many ancient mystery schools are now opening their doors to outsiders. Their…


Soul Connection 83 ~ Moving Beyond Doubt

There is nothing wrong with doubt, for there are many false teachers and many invalid responses to scientific query. However, instilled within you is a way of knowing what is true and what is the best solution for whatever you seek. How can you tap into this knowingness to such a degree that you move beyond doubt? Can you recall moments when you just knew something was going to happen and it did? Have you ever been thinking about calling someone on the phone, while…


Soul Connection 66 ~ Find Your Passion

There are infinite possibilities in every moment from which you can choose your next project or experience. Dream your highest dream of what you wish to manifest in your personal life, your public life and the planet as a whole. Go beyond what you think is possible and let your imagination run wild. Set aside quiet time each day for this purpose. As you envision the life you wish to experience, begin jotting down ways you want to be a part of creating this dream.…


Soul Connection 53 ~ Enjoy the Journey

Enjoy each step of your journey, knowing that nothing is ever complete. All things are always in a state of growth or decay. There is no stagnation. Even during times of apparent stagnation, there is still movement and evolvement. Any act of completion is a doorway to a new beginning. Once you have finished a project or a journey, it is time to start something new. Peel away unwanted behaviors, beliefs and reactions that keep you from being in joy. Step by step, walk towards…


Soul Connection 52 ~ Path to Paradise

When you ask for spiritual guidance, you will be supported. There are myriads of Heavenly Helpers patiently and excitedly waiting for you to make the call. Once the request is made, immediately they set into motion events to support your intended desire. Your job is to state your intention clearly and to be passionate about what you want. For added fuel, express love and gratitude toward the unseen Helpers who are putting your prayers into motion. Visualize the end result already in place. Many times,…


Soul Connection 41 ~ Remain Centered

Clarity comes when you remain centered. When you are able to keep your focus and remain "level-headed," you will make better decisions. Begin by simplifying your life. Quiet moments are a must to even begin the process of slowing down. Find ways to relax every muscle in your body. Take quiet walks in nature or sit next to a tree and simply be. Become a human be-ing rather than a human do-ing. As you release fears and beliefs that keep you entrapped in old habits,…


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