What non-beneficial belief are you ready to release? https://www.theresacrabtree.com/universal-truth/



Co-creation is the act of consciously working together to attain a specific goal. Through all ages, there have been Masters with incredible powers who have unlocked the secrets of the building blocks of this universe. Through their understanding, they have been able to do things that most humans cannot not do. However, veils between Dimensions are thinning, allowing information to flow freely to all who communicate with these Masters who have ascended duality. Many ancient mystery schools are now opening their doors to outsiders. Their…


Soul Connection 15 ~ Inner Housecleaning

Everyone comes from the same Source, full of love and light. If your life feels a little murky, know you have the power to clean up whatever isn't working. It will take time and effort to undo the things that you have allowed, but it is well worth the effort to make the change if you truly want to experience peace and joy on a daily basis. You can do it! You have the ability to go within and do some major housecleaning. Swipe away…


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