Embrace Your Differences

Once you remember who you are as a powerful spiritual being, it becomes easier to embrace your differences with others. Competition, material possessions and kudos from others loses its importance. When you have fully gained peace and inner balance, you will begin to enjoy every moment of your life. You will feel equally balanced whether someone is yelling in your face or giving you a heart connected hug. You will know who you are and can appreciate the opportunity of each experience on Earth. Whenever…


Pray and Release

The future is being created by the beliefs and choices you are making in the current moment. Thus, state your intentions for what you wish to experience, then let it go and know that you have a myriad of Heavenly Helpers who are setting everything into motion. Holding a firm thought of what you want makes their job easier. It is the wavering that creates problems. This is because you and they get the momentum going in one direction. Then if you change your mind,…


Move Beyond Separation

We are all One, individual aspects of the Creator. To move beyond the illusion of separation, allow others to freely be who they choose to be. Look beyond skin color, clothing, behavior and preferences and know we all come from the same Source. Until we do, there will be acts of war, hierarchies and increased separation. It is your choice individually and collectively. It takes honesty and integrity to change one’s self. Look around and pay close attention to what gives you pleasure and what…


Live in the Moment

Live in the moment, for this moment is truly all you have, for all other moments have now faded away. All future moments are simply possible moments, depending on what you choose in this moment. Once you grasp this concept, you will see that you are totally in control of how you feel and that you are the co-creator of the things you wish to experience. When you uncover areas of your life you wish to change, take that moment to find ways to change…


Darkness to Light

If you wish to change your vibration on Earth, you will need to release any dark energy that inhibits you from accepting the blessings of free-flowing love. Spend time reflecting on your own inner darkness rather than what others have done. You have no control over their choices, only your own. There is no other thing on Earth that is more important. You are the creator of your reality. Yes, there are things that are beyond your control due to the mass consciousness of large…


Follow Your Dreams

Are you following your dreams? Do you feel unsatisfied in any area of your life? Take time to step back and re-discover who you are. When you were a child, you dreamed of things you wanted to experience in your life. However, as time passed, you were side-tracked or let others stomp on your dreams. Take time now to reflect back on the dreams you set aside. Which ones still spark your imagination? Look closely at those dreams and find ways to make them your…


Manifestation Process

Your Higher Self wrote the basic script for what you wish to experience together during this lifetime. This is a co-creation process that begins anew each moment. To make the most of your experience on Earth, go within and tune into your Higher Self, especially when setting conscious intentions. You may feel a gut reaction or knowingness as to whether your request is appropriate for you. If your prayer involves others, always check with their Higher Self for permission before interceding. In all cases, ask…


Rebuilding Community

Rebuilding Community What do you want your life to look like? What are your passions and how can you fit them into your life? Begin to create what you wish to accomplish through clear visualizations. If you can see it in your mind, feel it with your emotions and incorporate your senses, you can create it in your reality. Allow yourself to be the person you wish to be. Work through issues that leave you feeling as though you have little worth or self-esteem. Know…


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