What will you choose to focus on this day?
What will you choose to focus on this day?
Lighten your load by releasing low-density thoughts such as hate and revenge vibrate at a slower speed. This slow speed allows it to interact more with physical matter. In this way, diseases are born. Higher frequency vibrations such as gratitude and compassion run through the body, sending sparklets of light and love as it flows through. When you exchange lower thoughtforms with those of higher frequencies, such as love and peace, you begin lightening your load. As you make higher vibrational choices, you will draw…
What strategies help you to overcome nagging thoughts? Share your comments below!
Within your brain, there are receptors that link to each other, anchoring new beliefs. When re-patterning your beliefs, you must break this connection by changing your perception and changing the behaviors associated with the old belief patterns. This applies to any belief whether it is related to religion, health or any experience in your life. When you are triggered by something that causes you to become emotionally out of balance, you can role play or choose actions you prefer to experience when a similar situation…
Many on Earth are so focused on their enlightenment and the future prospect of ascending that they totally miss all the pleasures of being in the Now. Many who are not consciously moving towards enlightenment are doing the same. It is understandable, for at this time on Earth, many cannot grasp even the basic necessities to stay alive such as food, shelter and clothing. Look around and notice how many cheerful people are in dire need. Ask them what their secret is. These people are…