Message from the Masters: Equinox Celestial Gathering March 20, 2021

Photo of Equinox sunrise from my new home.  Message from the Masters Equinox Celestial Gathering March 20, 2021 Greetings Dear Ones, We again are pleased to have this time to consciously connect with you. We know that many of you wish to communicate more clearly with us. Know that we do hear your pleas, expressions of gratitude and your desire to be more in communion with us. The best practice to make this union deeper is first, belief. You must believe you are worthy. Know…


New Year’s Eve Celestial Gathering Message

Message from the Masters New Year’s Eve, 2021 Greetings Dear Ones, We have now entered a New Year, as marked by your current calendar. What now? We encourage you for the next few days to sit in silence and begin to write down the things that are important to you. Things you wish to achieve. People you want to connect with. The type of work and/or service you would like to offer others. Anything that feels inspiring, jot it down. Then add to this list…


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