Message from the Masters: 05/25/21

Message from the Masters Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse Celestial Gathering May 26, 2021   Greetings Dear Ones, We are blessed and honored to commune with you at this moment in time. We are thankful for the inner work you are doing in order to awaken more to your spiritual roots. For in doing so, you open the energetic pathways which allow not only your growth, but of those around you and that are energetically connected to you. As you know, most will not awaken…


Message from the Masters, April 11, 2021

Message from the Masters New Moon Celestial Gathering May 11, 2021   Greetings Dear Ones, We trust that inwardly you are well and on your way to inner peace. This is a conscious, chosen path that only a few will select. As you weed out anything that brings chaos into your awareness, this peace will more readily become attainable to you. We offer you a challenge, an opportunity to expedite this inward path. Take time each day to sit quietly. If you have little children…


Message from the Masters: July 5, 2020

Message from the Masters Full Moon Celestial Gathering July 5, 2020   Greetings Dear Ones, We are happy to be in your presence once again. We understand your busy schedules and the tumults you are experiencing on earth. Thus, any time you expend in our presence is a treasure to us. We wish to give you good cheer that in the Big Picture, all is well. You see, from our experience outside of the world of duality, we are able to see the impermanence of…


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