My kind of carpe diem (as long as it isn't carp flavored)! What will you consciously manifest today?    


Making Changes

Within you lies the power to change anything in your life that is out of balance. All it takes is courage and the conscious awareness that there is something ready to be transformed. First, take a few moments to quiet your inner mind and outer world. Let go of the thoughts of the day. As you deeply breathe in and out, relax your muscles from your toes to your nose. Fill your heart with gratitude while focusing on the many blessings that are in your…


Emotional Baggage

How does one get weighed down so readily with emotional baggage in this Realm? Thoughts are like magnets, drawing unto them more similar thoughts. Thus, it is important to fill the void of the unwanted thoughtforms with those that are more appealing. Thoughtforms create reality; choose those that lead you to the outcome you desire. When you have a thought that is unsettling or undesirable, immediately think again by choosing thoughts that will lead toward your goals. All possibilities begin in this moment. What is…


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