
How will you express unconditional love today? Share your comment below!


Team Work

Team Work with other Realms. My passion in life is two-fold, first to help humans connect with their inner Selves, that space where they can find peace every moment, no matter what circumstances in which they find themselves. Secondly, I enjoy helping others communicate more deeply with Nature Spirits. Although many humans know of the existence of Beings in other Realms, most take them for granted. However, the vast majority of humans do not believe or know of the existence of Nature Spirits. Yet, I…


Evolution: Moving On

What is evolution? Evolution simply means to change or progress from one way of being to another. Do you not see yourself evolving when you gain deeper understanding of love and how to implement it in your life? Many compare evolution to ascension, yet in reality, they are the same.  The term “ascension” in its esoteric form was coined by those who understood that each emotion carries a specific frequency. Love and gratitude are two of the highest frequencies while fear and hate are very…


Soul Connection 23 ~ Hurry Up by Slowing Down

One day we will be reunited as "One" and enjoy the sensation of love in its purest form. There is no need to "hurry" to get to "get there." Hurrying is part of the human condition. Learn to live in the moment and make the journey memorable. Stop and smell the roses and be kind to those you encounter along the way. So many things one prays to experience becomes missed opportunities due to being focused on getting from point A to point B. Some…


Soul Connection 21 ~ Thoughts are Frequencies

All things on earth carry a unique energetic signature pattern or frequency. The frequencies of love and gratitude are very high. As can be expected in our world of polarity, the opposite, the frequency of fear and darkness are very low. The earth itself resonates at a frequency that must be compatible with her inhabitants, or else life cannot be sustained. Emotions resonate at specific frequencies, just like material objects. Masters such as Gandhi and Mother Teresa focused on peace, rather than anti-war protests. They…


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