
Oneness Message from the Masters New Moon Celestial Gathering May 23, 2020 Greetings Dear Ones, We are well pleased that so many are now “coming to the Light” and taking charge of your lives. We do all we can to assist you but it is important to note that we do have our limits. When it comes to your sovereign rights over your energy field, you have only the limits of the laws governing life on Gaia. Thus, there is much you can do by…



Many have come to believe there is a need for war in order to maintain peace. These wars not only exist on global levels, but within families, close relationships, co-workers, those you meet casually and within your own self. Rather than waging war with those you disagree with, open your eyes and heart and allow others to walk the Path of their choice. This does not mean to allow those who perpetuate evil to walk their path of destruction. What we are referring to is…

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