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Codependency Resources


Do you or someone you love tend to sacrifice their own needs in order to fulfill the needs of others?

Codependency traits include suppression of one’s emotions to attempt to keep balance in a relationship.

It also shows up as repeated attempts to control or try to fix other people’s problems.
This goes beyond extending a helping hand to the point of self-sacrifice.

Codependents generally exhibit low self-esteem, often trying to save others from suffering similar pain they have endured.

This often leads the codependent to enable the other person’s self-destructive behavior such as addiction, poor mental health, immaturity, irresponsibility or under-achievement.

Those with codependency traits often partner with people who have narcissistic traits.
In classic situations, the narcissistic has the need to control and the codependent has the need to please. What often results is a long-term abusive relationship.

For resources to recognize and release codependent traits, scroll to the bottom of my website.
Click on the links in the green box, to discover resources recommended by my clients related to codependency, narcissism, addictions and more.

If you have resources you would like added to the list, let me know!

Here is the direct link.

If you would like more personalized help in the form of a SoulCleanse, sign up today!


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