Binge TV Epiphany

Been binge watching the show “Hoarders” for 2 weeks. Started to notice some bad behavioral changes in my life. Went to bed last night with the prayer to understand why I am drawn to this program. When I woke up this morning, I realized that all night and before I got out of bed, I was thinking about the episodes I had watched. Then realized I was also creating episodes that didn’t exist! It was a reminder that we create our reality based on whatever…

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Overweight guy sitting on the couch with remote in hand trying to watch some TV.

Black Magic and Spells

WHAT IS BLACK MAGIC AND SPELLS? Black Magic and Spells are simply strong intentions that people send out to others. The most powerful ones are those in which the sender consciously calls in other dark minded people or other dimensional beings to send a strong, specific intention. However, how much this influx of dark energies affects the targeted person depends on that person’s energy field. If the targeted person is naturally vibing high, with a good foundation of self-love, love for others and connected to…


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