Message from the Masters: 05/25/21

Message from the Masters Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse Celestial Gathering May 26, 2021   Greetings Dear Ones, We are blessed and honored to commune with you at this moment in time. We are thankful for the inner work you are doing in order to awaken more to your spiritual roots. For in doing so, you open the energetic pathways which allow not only your growth, but of those around you and that are energetically connected to you. As you know, most will not awaken…


Spiritual Roots

Your Spiritual roots are created from pure love. There is nothing in the world that does not come from the inspiration of pure love. This is difficult to grasp when surrounded by experiences of Not-Love. Until you step into your power and see the bigger picture of what is happening on Earth, it is hard to exist in such a place. Have patience, for there is much that you can do to assist with the changes that are currently taking place. Many Lightworkers have come…


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