032420 Message from the Masters

032420 Message from the Masters New Moon Celestial Gathering March 25, 2020 Greetings Dear Ones, We again thank you for this opportunity to communicate and to share our energies in a way that uplifts All on planet Earth and beyond. Many of you are feeling the effects of the coronavirus that has spread across the globe. Although this has caused some discomfort and fear, know that it is temporary and as a result, a great purging is in effect. We are excited to see so…



With teamwork, you can accomplish anything in a cohesive group.  Network and stay in communication with those you meet. Join together, supporting each other as needs arise. Comfort those who have fallen. Feed the hungry by teaching them to grow their own food or share skills they can use to earn the funds they need. Share the wealth you have accumulated through the years: knowledge, material gains and food resources. Teach each other how to heal inner wounds through prayer and meditation. Teach each other…


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