Be Kind

Be kind to others and release the walls of separation. There is no need to be concerned about missing the "ascension" if you keep an awareness of being One with all as a goal. There are no perfect, right or wrong Paths. All lead to the same place, providing opportunity for varied experiences. Choose love, kindness and gratitude and you will be blessed abundantly. Take your mind off saving the world and pay attention to how you affect the world. Place your attention on areas…


Soul Connection 19 ~ Soar Like an Eagle

Like the eaglet, you must first be fed by your mama. This is like receiving information from other sources such as books, videos and conversations with those who feed you information to help you grow spiritually. Just as an eaglet sheds its baby feathers, so must humans shed their fears and out-dated beliefs in order to be able to fly. As negative beliefs are shed, allowing you to be in your integrity and to speak your truth, the freer you become. Like the eagle, you…


Soul Connection 15 ~ Inner Housecleaning

Everyone comes from the same Source, full of love and light. If your life feels a little murky, know you have the power to clean up whatever isn't working. It will take time and effort to undo the things that you have allowed, but it is well worth the effort to make the change if you truly want to experience peace and joy on a daily basis. You can do it! You have the ability to go within and do some major housecleaning. Swipe away…


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