Release your Inner Child

Are you ready to release your inner child? Let us celebrate by making joyful noises! Release your inhibitions and begin to sing. Make up words as you go, they need not be in a language you know; they can be just silly utterances. Build your crescendo, play with the sounds. Ohm, if you choose. Shriek with delight. Make silly faces and movements. Have fun and release yourself your inner child. Make body movements; get up and dance around the room or better yet, in nature.…



Many have been plagued with addictions of various types since early childhood.  Some have developed addictions such as alcohol, drugs and overeating as a medication to ease unresolved emotional pain. Resolve those pains, change your behaviors and your life will unfold. This may sound simplistic, but it really is all that needs to be done. Release yourself from the feelings of being a victim or punishing yourself for what others have chosen to do. Some have chosen food substances such as sugar or coffee as…


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