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You may have already discovered that focusing on accumulating wealth, people-pleasing and chasing after this or that has left an empty spot. When you touch the lives of others and learn to live with joy each moment, your life will have more meaning. When you build a relationship with your Creator, joy and happiness will abound. Nurture any attempts to build relationships based on unconditional love. Here are some suggestions to include.

Enjoy each moment. Feel gratitude for every person, place and event that occurs in your life. Be observant of nature, taking special care to impact the environment as little as possible. Treat others with respect, listening to their needs. Encourage each other by focusing on the positive aspects of life. Walk the Earth with bare feet and touch the hearts of the animals around you.

Make heart connections, sending love to everyone you meet. Forgive yourself for things you have done that were not to your liking. Release grudges against those who have treated you unkindly. Allow others to follow their chosen Path. Focus on what you wish to experience, then create it into being by making choices that lead to your desires.

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.” (Matthew 5:6)


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