Sharing from your heart entails sharing without expectations, even though you may still hope or have faith that they will accept what you offer.
Many times, people think they are sharing without expectations, yet there comes a time when they feel that the other person should be reciprocating or expressing some type of gratitude.
Sharing from the heart holds no expectation of ever being appreciated or acknowledged.
Practice sharing without expectation. Throughout the day, say “thank you” to others who have done things you have appreciated. Do not expect any type of compliment in return.
Do random acts of kindness, which no one knows you did.
If you want to test your level of unconditional love, spend time reflecting on any moments when you felt frustrated, angry or disappointed. You will likely discover that you had an expectation that was not met.
Also include any expectations you place on yourself. Are they realistic? Are you basing these expectations out of concern about how others may judge you? Are you walking your talk and expressing your belief even though it may go against the current trend?
When you judge or place expectations on others and sometimes your own self, you may be stifling their creativity and freedom to experience life on their own terms. You may not like their choices, but unless they are purposely causing harm, their choice may not your business. All are given the gift of free will and of course, no two people will agree on all things.
Do you enjoy it when others push their opinions and beliefs on you? Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Rather than placing expectations on others, plant seeds. You may need to nurture the soil first by building a relationship. Some may be more open to accepting seeds. Others may reject them. You can encourage them to consider the seeds in the end, it will be up to them to choose what they will do with your seeds of opinion and knowledge. Don’t let their choice ruin your day. Foster the ability to disagree agreeably.
“”And if anyone will not receive you or listen to your words, shake off the dust from your feet when you leave that house or town” Matthew 10:14