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Toss the Bags!


Visualize yourself driving a car loaded with all the emotional baggage you have carried since birth. While driving, you are listening to a CD that is helping to increase your inner vibration by feeling gratitude, love and compassion. You begin to forgive others for the painful things they said or did to you. Toss those bags out the window and keep on driving. (Don’t worry, these bags self-destruct, so you won’t get a ticket for littering!)

As you recognize your pattern of choosing partners who bring you down, toss those bags as you continue to cruise. You are now ready to let go of some low vibe friendships. Let those bags fall off the roof of the car.

As you continue to fine-tune your day with more positive thoughts, words and actions, you become more objective with each bag you eject. Begin to see and take responsibility for the choices you have made. Switch the momentum of unsatisfying events by changing your perspective. Find the strength and courage to say, “no” and make changes that match your increasing love vibe.

Don’t expect your car (thoughts, habits, behaviors) to come to an instant halt. If needed, make a “leap of faith.” Jump out of the car, even if it is still in motion (escape from dangerous situation). You may have a few scrapes and bumps as you hit the ground. Don’t sit there and whine about the past or worry about the future. Get yourself up, brush yourself off and start all over again. This time, you will have a stronger foundation of love and gratitude to build upon. Walk over to the car dealership and choose the auto that best fits your new perspective. Enjoy the journey!

 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17


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