Celebrate the growing excitement as you begin to lighten your load and enlighten your circuitry? Are you feeling more energetic as you clear your blocks, allowing your chi energy to flow better throughout your body? Can you feel the joy each time you break through bonds that held you in fear? Are your passions being ignited as you release negative thinking that kept you from changing the events in your life? Is your ability to love increasing? Can you feel the sensation of love when you make Heart Connections with others?
Have you been changing your eating habits, choosing smaller portions and foods that are healthy and alive? Are you exercising your body and becoming stronger and more vitalized? Are your relationships smoothing out, becoming less demanding with the ability to communicate deeper and with more truth? What areas of your life are fulfilling your heart’s desires? Are you daily clearing things that bring you down?
Have you seen growth within yourself and maturity in your choices? Take time to reflect on those changes, perhaps writing them down in a list for your review. When you come to those moments when you feel despair or uncomfortable in any situation, you can glance at your list of accomplishments and remember that all choices are within your grasp. Remember that at first, they were difficult, but with effort, you took the actions to set your dreams into motion, making whatever changes were necessary to reach your goal.
What are your dreams?
Which areas of your life do you choose to focus on? What changes do you wish to make? Perhaps you can write these down or create a vision board to keep your goals present before you. Act as though these goals have already been attained, choosing only actions that will help reach your desired outcome.
Choose love, go within daily and move forward, knowing you have your Soul, Spirit Guides and Heavenly Helpers ready to assist you. What else do you need? You are supplied with all when you trust and your heart is filled with love. Celebrate each step with courage, knowing you are at the wheel and have control of the throttle.
© 2020 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved.
Permission is granted to share this post when you include this copyright statement.
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