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Solstice Celestial Gathering Message

Solstice Celestial Gathering Message
December 21, 2024

Greetings Dear Ones,

As the darkest day of the year is upon us, remember to shine your inner light brightly! For what happens within you has the potential to enhance those you encounter.

Winter is a time of reflection, of preparation of what you wish to grow in your life. Are there things that you have let simmer on the back burner? Is it time to bring those things forward and turn up the heat so they can fully cook?

Take time today to look within, seeking areas where you harbor unforgiveness towards self or others. We all fail at times to be our best and thus harm others, intentionally or unintentionally. As those memories surface, determine to do better when a similar situation occurs.

Remove any blocks you have to receiving and giving love in its purest form. As you head into a new season and a new year, decide which relationships you wish to sever and which to bring closer. For those you wish to enhance, make the decision to call or text them sooner rather than later.

Take stock of your daily routine. Are there things that have little to no value anymore? What is most important in your life? Are you nurturing that or allowing yourself to be sidetracked with things that have lesser value and interest in your life? Begin weeding those out of your life in order to have the time, money and energy to nurture those things that you wish to blossom.

Where have you been holding yourself back? If your work is not fruitful, perhaps it’s time to trim off the dead branches, giving more life to what ignites your passion. Are you family and close relationships stagnant? Perhaps it’s time to add more love, to fertilize future possibilities of more joy. Are you feeling lonely and distant? What can you do to reach out to others either in service to them or to ignite, build or repair friendships?

Just as the solstice is the end of one season, it is also the beginning of a new season. Each day, each moment, offers the same potential to end something that no longer serves you, thus allowing more time, money and energy to expend on things that uplift you.

You will know you are on the right track when you witness the following fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Look at each fruit carefully. Are these constantly present in your life? For those that are withered, now is the time to start planning, then implementing the pruning, nurturing and fertilization you will use so that you will bear an abundance of healthy fruit.

Tune in daily with the Creator, for this is the most important relationship that you can build. What else is of more importance? When you are truly in tune with the Creator, you will receive these fruits of the Spirit. Just as eating fruit nurtures the body, the fruits of the Spirit will nurture your soul. These are your birthrights. Claim them and watch your life blossom!

Know that you are loved beyond measure. Your life is not an accident; you are here by design. Make the most of it!

Be blessed always, in all ways,
Theresa Crabtree

*Please share the message with others. Consider joining us for the next Celestial Gathering!

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