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Celestial Gathering Message ~ Sept 2, 2024

New Moon Celestial Gathering Message
September 2, 2024

Dear Ones,

It is with a happy heart that we meet with you again. Not enough joy can be expressed in words when two or more gather to experience unity of mind with the express purpose of anything related to love. For there is much trial and tribulation in your daily activities, in your circles and all across the planet. Yet, be of good cheer for God is in control and knows all things that are to come to pass.

When you read of wars, famine and all other forms of pestilence, understand that this has been known and recorded for centuries. Yet, all of this comes with joy, beauty and inner peace to those who have their trust in the Creator. For what the Creator has created, the Creator can destroy. Yet, all is done on the Creator’s “time table.”

Rather than go into fear, go into your heart and find your connection with the Creator. It is there, but for most it is hidden behind fear, anger, and false beliefs. But the Truth is there, seek and you will find it. Do you want to have more understanding of how to walk your path? Then knock and those doors will be opened to you.

However, be wary who you open the door to because there are many wolves in sheep’s clothing who are well prepared to enjoy you as a tasty snack. We do not say these things lightly, for what is happening on earth is building to a crescendo, both good and evil. Do not mistake that you are not in the throes of a spiritual battle and your enemies are well-prepared and draw more in by their deceit each day.

Before holding onto a new belief, check the full history of where this thought originated. You can be sure that if in any way this belief, theory or thought expresses anything less than love for all humanity, it did not originate from the Creator. His most beautiful creation, who chose to rebel against God, Lucifer aka Satan, has been training his army since the beginning of humanity and they have become well-versed in how to manipulate humans to do their will.

You cannot serve two masters. You will need to put your trust in your Creator or you will be serving the created. There is no other middle ground. You are encouraged to go into prayer and learn to communicate with your Creator. Avoid following “guided” meditations, rambling mantras, mudras, specific body positions and anything else that others entice you with. That is not communication.

When you speak to your family, do you repeat the same phrase over and over again? How soon would it be before your family suggests that you get mental therapy? When you speak to your friends, do you say hold on a minute, and then plug in someone else’s words as a way to express what you wish to say to your friend? When you speak to strangers, do you use mudras, such as those who are deaf use sign language? While speaking to others, do you hold your body in one position so that you can “tune in” deeper? None of these are effective forms of communication with humans, much less your Creator.

Speak to the Creator as though you were speaking to your most loved and trusted friend. Your Creator knows everything about you. This is not some distant god that sits on a throne watching TV or a false idol that one offers sacrifices, flowers and money to. The Creator is a personal God who created YOU, who loves YOU and is waiting for YOU to utilize your gift of free will to at least acknowledge the existence of the one who created you.

Some religious leaders and other humans will have you believe that you are god and can create your reality. Yet, try to not breathe for ten minutes and perhaps you will begin to understand that this is a false belief. Yes, you may “manifest” some good things in your life, using various tools. Yet, it is important to understand that where you go and what happens when you take that last breath is going to be the result of your connection with your Creator. If you ignore your Creator now, you can expect that after your last breath, your Creator will not be giving you any high acknowledgement in the world that follows.

We speak to you with authority this day, for many are being led into a myriad of false beliefs that not only are not rational, but they are leading you to separation from the Creator. When that separation occurs, anything that is of the Creator will not be a part of you. That means total absence of love, total absence of light, total absence of communion with others. These are not the result of punishment for “sins” you have done. No, this is the result of one’s conscious choice to rebel against or ignore your Creator.

You would be wise to contemplate these words. Many of you are already experiencing the birthing pangs of this separation while in a breathing body. Take heed and choose wisely, each choice you make. Are you falling into the traps of Lucifer who hates you or are you falling into the arms of the Creator who loves you?

Remember that you are blessed beyond any understanding. Take time to visit the Creator each day and increase that connection until you feel as though you are walking side by side, each moment.

Be blessed, always in all ways.

Theresa Crabtree

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