Full Moon Celestial Gathering
August 19, 2024
Greetings Dear Ones,
We are honored to be in closer communication with you at this time. We know that many of you are suffering under the pressures of lack of money, scarcity of food and fear regarding the antics of many in the world. Yet, we wish to inspire hope within those of you who press through the fear and keep your eyes on God. For He is in control and is here to offer the help you desire. But you must ask and you must do the inner work and take the outer efforts in order to move forward.
That includes daily communion with God. Seek and ye shall find. Ask and it shall be given unto you. These are not idle words, but promises to those who love God, not just coming now and then for a handout. This may sound harsh, but it is the reality for many only seek God when they need something. Rather, develop a relationship with God through daily prayer. You can begin by setting aside a few moments each day. But have the goal of learning to walk side by side with God throughout your entire day and night. Then you will begin to know God.
For those who are aspiring to awaken further, we encourage you to look at each of the beliefs you have adopted. Some you have outgrown, some need to be tossed in the garbage. What is working for you in your life? Are people drawn to you or repelled by you. If the latter is true, ask in prayer what it is that you are doing that is pushing people away. We will dare say that in most cases, it is the result of the pain from past wounds. Pushing others away has become a way to avoid more pain. Yet, by now, you are beginning to understand that by isolating yourself, it does not heal the past and it keeps you from opening to loving relationships.
You may still get hurt when you let others in. But, when you build a strong foundation, knowing that God created you, knows you and loves you, it becomes much easier to love yourself. When you have love and respect for yourselves, then it is easier to embrace others. It is also easier to walk away from those who intentionally harm you. Then you won’t be shattered when another’s pain is thrust towards you. You will begin to realize that they are doing what you have been doing… they are reacting in a negative way to what is still unresolved within. That makes it easier to walk away from them or to embrace them from a distance.
Everything in your life reflects inward. Of course, there are many circumstances that are beyond your control, some harder to deal with than others. However, how you respond to other people and circumstances is a direct reflection of what you harbor within. Thus, when you notice that you are reacting in ways that are not suitable to who you truly desire to be, instead of blaming others, go within and pray. Ask to be shown the beliefs that are hindering you. Ask how to best navigate the specific situation that is presenting itself. Ask for courage to respond in the way that best represents your highest self, that of Divine love. Then move forward with grace, knowing you have done your best.
When you fail to reach the desired goal, seek guidance on how to do better the next time. Do not allow one moment of guilt, blame, shame and the like to remain in your thoughts. Accept responsibility for your role in all situations and then adjust accordingly to anything you say, think upon and do. Then you will begin to experience more love, joy, peace and compassion, for you will be living from a foundation of love, rather than fear, hurt and pain.
You are loved beyond measure!
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