New Moon Celestial Gathering
August 4, 2004
Greetings Dear Ones,
It is with honor and delight that we meet with you again. We are ever grateful for these moments when we can commune with you. For so many do not have ears to hear or eyes to see into the deeper nature of things. Be wary not to fall into the same traps. Plan your days with wisdom, going within to connect with your true nature, that of you Creator, for guidance. Ask to be shown false beliefs and fears that are running your life. These will ruin your life, whereas truth and love will set you free. The truth is innate within you, it is your true nature to be loving and kind, just as your Creator is loving and kind.
It is when life’s trials and tribulations anchor false beliefs and fear that one’s body and soul are negatively influenced… both from within and without. Seek to root out these falsities about your self and let your true light shine.
Pay attention to each word you utter, where you allow your thoughts to wander and each decision that you make. Begin to measure against a standard such as, “does this reflect love or fear?” Then have the courage to work through the fear so that you can experience more love. This leads to clarity of thought and more moments of inner peace. It is when this mindset that higher choices can be made.
We encourage you to each evening to review your day. What challenges did you overcome? What areas did you miss your goal? What can you do to anchor more love and peace into future situations? Don’t forget to give your Creator thanks and praise for this time to be alive. Send prayers that all people will begin to set aside false thoughts leading to greed, racism and power over others. These are the ingredients behind inner turmoil, familial dissension, community separatism and global war.
You cannot control what others do and say. However, you can control your thoughts, words and actions that make you a better role model for others. Be the person you wish others to be. Then you can be part of the solution. Take time these next two weeks to ask for guidance on how you can be a more improved version of yourself. Work towards releasing harsh feelings and unforgiveness towards all others. Yes, all of them. Let your Creator be the judge of them while you focus on being less judgmental towards others and yourself. Let go of expectations you place on others. It could very well be that either they can’t live up to those expectations or your expectations of them may not be in alignment with their current situation.
Before you place expectations on others, take time to consider how you respond when others place their expectations on you. The same is true for judging or condemning others. Place yourself into a similar situation and you will realize that instead of aligning with others’ expectations, judgment and condemnation that one is more likely to rebel. That is human nature. Even when these judgments are truly for the good of another, that does not mean that the person is ready to live up to that standard. Don’t let their choice ruin your day.
Most emotional problems stem from early childhood. At the base of most is because someone with authority went outside the boundaries of love and kindness and pushed the child into places where they were not ready to go or in even more cases, into situations that they never needed to experience. The results of those situations create the foundation upon which the child molds their entire perspective throughout their lives. When based on love and kindness, the child will learn to be this kind of person. However, most experience traumatic events based on fear and cruelty. These need to be expunged so more love can flow in and out. That is the truth to seek and find.
So, be wary of pointing fingers at others. Instead, reflect upon your own frailties and strengthen them with love and compassion. As you begin to heal your own wounds and live from a foundation of truth and love, you will become better equipped to help those who are lost. You will then find you have more compassion and understanding for those who harm others. You will also learn, with inner guidance when to help that person, when to walk away and when to run. Trying to persuade someone to do what is godly and right when they are steeped in the darkness is the same as a single soldier choosing to wage war against an opposing army. Know your limits and stay within your parameters. Many battles and wars are diverted through small acts of kindness and understanding. Be patient with yourself and develop patience with others.
Know that from the heavenly realms, you are loved beyond meaure.
Be blessed, always in all ways.
Theresa Crabtree
You are encouraged to share this message freely with others.
Thank You Theresa! 🙂