New Moon Celestial Gathering Message
January 29, 2025
Greetings Dear Ones,
It is with honor and happiness that we have these moments to spend with you. We understand that these are trying times for you, your loved ones and all of humanity. Yet, we encourage you to put your hope and trust in the one who has created you. For all is known and under the control of the Creator. It may not appear this way, yet trust that it is.
Every breath that you take allows you the opportunity to be more in communion with your Creator. This also allows each who is off track to do the same. It is the wish of the Creator that not one of you loses your way by falling into the traps of the deceitful, both human and non.
Thus, take time each day to reflect on your thoughts, the words you have uttered, the choices you made and the behaviors that you have chosen. For these are the reflection of which path you are on. You cannot serve two masters. When you speak highly of one person while holding unforgiveness towards another, this is a discrepancy that must be balanced. We are not speaking of those who are dreadfully lost, those of extreme criminal behavior. Rather we are referencing the ones who have hurt you but not with malice.
These are the ones who hurt others due to their hurt. They may be on the border of being criminal with some of their behavior, but their hearts are not focused on being evil. For they too feel they were treated unjustly and responding in ways that does not serve them. As a bottom line, we are speaking of those who treat others harshly, yet they truly wish to be loved, accepted and heard. But their fears, simmering anger and unhealed wounds keep them from opening their hearts to allow love in. Why? Because they fear to be hurt more. You can understand the fear of truly opening your heart, for yours has been trampled on, as well.
What we encourage you to do is to still love these people. Forgive them as much as you can. Treat them respectfully, yet, from a distance if they are still harmful to you. But try not to speak badly of them. Rather pray for them to soften enough so that they too, like you, can begin their healing process. You may not be in communion with these people anymore. Yet, you can still assist them by not speaking ill about them and not harboring any unforgiveness, anger or bitterness towards them. That in itself can help both parties to heal.
Those with whom you are still in contact with, follow the same basic principles of forgiveness, silence and love to the best of your ability. Avoid subjects that bring up the past unless you are with a mediator for the express purpose of working together to resolve the problem. Otherwise, you will remain on the hamster wheel, only getting more exhausted and frustrated. Two parties cannot heal together unless both parties are ready to accept their role, listen to the other and make the necessary changes to heal those wounds. Thus, if only one party is pushing for the healing, the other will push back and more salt is added to the wound. You likely have already experienced this and understand how fruitless it is.
You cannot change another. You can only change yourself. When you take the matter to the Creator, you will receive comfort and support. Healing comes from the power of love. Love comes from the power of the Creator who is all love. Thus, rest on the bosom of the Creator. Build the love within yourself. Then extend that love through forgiveness and sending loving thoughts to others. This is how one heals, through love. It is harder to love some people, but well worth the effort.
If you want to see more love in the world, then start by building love within yourself. Then extend it to those in your circles. Most critical of all, build a deep, loving relationship with your Creator. If “called,” then take action in other ways to widen your circles and bond in love with others who have the same commitment. All the evil in the world is coming from those who rebel against the Creator and the created. One can stand on only one side. Which side will you choose? Begin today.
We love you beyond measure!
Be blessed always, in all ways.
*Transcribed by Theresa Crabtree. Share freely with others. Consider joining us for the next Celestial Gathering.