Full Moon Celestial Gathering Message
January 13, 2025
Greetings Dear Ones,
It is with love in our hearts that we wish to encourage you as you enter in a new year, as marked by your calendar. We offer you hope in that what you truly desire comes to pass, whenever it is in alignment with the path you are most encouraged to take.
Each person is unique due to one’s life experiences and beliefs. This offers you to be of service to yourself and others in a unique manner. Many wish to know what their “life purpose” is, asking “What can I do to be a better expression of myself?”
For the majority of humans, the specifics are far less important than the underlying foundation. For those who have love of God, love of self and love of others at their root, the specific means of service has less importance. Be mindful of what is happening around you. Choose what you wish to be a part of. Pray for guidance on what best to do in that moment, within the next few hours or the entire day. Going much beyond that, if set with specific goals, one is less likely to be responsive to what could be done in the current moment.
Goals have value. However, the danger comes with the attachment of the goal. At the moment of choosing a goal, many things are likely to change along the way. This is especially true when a goal is made based on fear, trying to please others, the pressure of an obligation or a sense of lack of what is available. Then one tends to put on “blinders,” focusing just on the set goal.
There can be good measures that come from staying on the chosen path. However, in many cases, higher goals become available, but not seen or followed through with, due to the attachment to the original goal one has set for themselves. When a new goal is chosen or pressed upon yourself, release any sense of failure, for you may not know that the new goal is a higher blessing. You are well aware of the wisdom that comes from “hind sight.”
Thus, set your goals, try new things, while still being aware of available choices and possible other needs of others that you can be of service to, even if following through with the new need seems to be a “set back.” The set back could be related to the needs of others, your own health, financial situation or a myriad of unexpected events that are highly likely to arise. When you can meet these unexpected challenges in the moment, without pulling in regrets for the total release or postponement of a goal you had set for yourself, then you will open more doors to experiencing contentment, inner peace and joy.
At times, you may be called to set your goals on hold in order to be of service to someone else, an event that you had not foreseen. When you can accept this new role, without feelings of this new role or person being a burden, and thus holding resentment, then you can enter into a deeper state of true love for others.
Most importantly, begin each day in prayer. Tune in and ask your Creator how you can best serve this day. Be open to hearing responses throughout the day. Use discernment so that your own weaker thoughts or those of the evil ones do not lead you astray. It can be difficult to tell the difference. Yet, if love of God, love of self and love of others is truly your foundation, the discernment is significantly enhanced.
Prayer is the key. We encourage you to make prayer a priority in your life. Work towards making each moment prayerful, with every choice you consider. Prayer includes asking for guidance, offering gratitude and submission to the will of God over your own will. For God sees the big picture and will choose those most suited to “get the job done.” Be willing to be one of the Chosen. The path will be smoother, although there will still be trials and tribulations. But when your eye is on the proper goal, the journey will create more satisfaction, joy and purpose.
Know that you are loved more than you can fathom.
Be blessed, always, in all ways,
Theresa Crabtree
*You are encouraged to share this message. Consider joining us for the next Celestial Gathering for personal benefits and global outreach. https://www.theresacrabtree.com/events/