Child Caretakers

In many situations, children are much wiser and on higher frequencies of love than their caretakers. The importance of allowing children to make choices for themselves cannot be overemphasized.  Caretakers role-model what they have learned, extending their fears and myths onto children. This may hamper their productivity. It is imperative to pay close attention to what you are modeling to them. Anything other than love and kindness is abusive and detrimental. Although many are doing these things without intentionally meaning to be harmful. Any moment…


Share Skills

Have you considered ways to share skills you have experienced with children who would be interested in learning from you? You can go about this in many ways. Tell your stories and teach your skills to family members: your children, grandchildren, nieces, their friends, etc. Call and schedule talks, storytelling or demonstrations at your local library. Contact local public, charter and private schools and ask for ways you can share your skills. There are also opportunities at trade shows, festivals, conferences and fairs. Be creative,…


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