
Are you joyful or overly concerned with what the future might hold?  If your life is filled with fear of all the terrible things that might happen, then you are not living life to the fullest. Let go of these thoughts and focus on what is happening in your life this moment. How can you make your life more joyful? Choose experiences that will lead you toward happiness. Do what you can to fill your day with fun, enjoyment, love and kindness toward yourself and…



Many have come to believe there is a need for war in order to maintain peace. These wars not only exist on global levels, but within families, close relationships, co-workers, those you meet casually and within your own self. Rather than waging war with those you disagree with, open your eyes and heart and allow others to walk the Path of their choice. This does not mean to allow those who perpetuate evil to walk their path of destruction. What we are referring to is…

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The Veil

What is the Veil between Dimensions? The Veil itself is simply a frequency shift, similar to radio wavelengths. When a low frequency is emitted, the wavelengths are farther apart, touching the midline less often. As the vibration increases, the distance between the waves is shortened, thus crossing the midline more often. Consider the Veil to be the midline. Those operating at low frequencies, such as fear and anger, touch the Veil (midline) less often. This decreases their ability to experience what is on the Other…


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