Every Day is a Gift

Every Day is a Gift Message from the Masters 113020 Celestial Gathering Greetings Dear Ones, We have the utmost respect and Love for each of you as you awaken and move out of your “comfort zone.” We recognize that life is similar to a battleground, whichever way you look, on Earth at this time. Your trials and tribulations in many ways are much more difficult than when we walked the land. However, on the other hand, you have many more “creature comforts” and assistance available…


Soul Connection 260 ~ Abundance and Relationships

Two of the biggest concerns on people's minds are abundance and relationships. Follow your passion and create pathways to lead you to making an income based on doing what you love to do. Think out of the box. Work past your fears. Then watch the doors magically open. You may have to go through a few uncomfortable steps as you release or clear up what you have previously created. However, have the courage to follow through with your dreams and make decisions based on what…

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