Soul Connection 12 ~ Change Beliefs

You may encounter situations that feel uncomfortable because they are new or bring up a past times when you were presented with the same situation that you handled poorly. What often occurs is that you are presented with a similar situation repeatedly until you work through it. Although the exact scenario may not be the same, the basic premise is similar. Repeated patterns such as this are usually a sign for you to pay attention to an unresolved issue. Love of self and others involved…


Soul Connection 260 ~ Abundance and Relationships

Two of the biggest concerns on people's minds are abundance and relationships. Follow your passion and create pathways to lead you to making an income based on doing what you love to do. Think out of the box. Work past your fears. Then watch the doors magically open. You may have to go through a few uncomfortable steps as you release or clear up what you have previously created. However, have the courage to follow through with your dreams and make decisions based on what…

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