
Meet Marshal... After four years of extensive training, at the age of 16, Marshal was accepted under Cherokee Tribal status as a Holy Man. In the book, Marshal states, "Being incarcerated changed my life. Eventually, I realized what I had been missing. Family and friends had been there for me, but I did not see them. I had taken everything and everyone for granted, until I lost them." Falsely accused, he is serving his 25th year in prison on a 50 year sentence. Since 2002,…


Anointing from the Masters

You are invited to receive an anointing from the Masters. During this time of Transition, the Masters are attempting to reach as many humans as possible, in hopes that more will join in upgrading life on Earth with endless possibilities to express love while in physical form. We are One, from the same Source. We are never apart from Source, although it appears that way while in human form. Allow the Masters to invoke a blessing upon you, an anointing. Take a few moments to…


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