There are many signs that allow you to know when you are on the path leading to your desires. These include a feeling of “knowing,” goose bumps, when everything easily falls into place, luminosity (when things seem to glow), extraordinary happenings, coincidences and synchronicities, to name a few.
In addition, there are your thoughts, words, emotions and behaviors. Choose love in all situations. If love seems to be too far out of your reach, focus on kindness, to yourself and others. Seek the advice of others who have surpassed what you are grappling with.
Take time to meditate, turning your life into one continual prayer of thanksgiving and gratitude. Look for the positive in all things. Do what brings joy to your heart and increases the passion for the things you love.
Be prepared to share your hope and messages of love with others who are willing to listen. For those who are not ready, simply hold love in your heart and know that it will be felt on a level they can receive.
© 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved.
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