You are currently viewing Soul Connection 197 ~ Receive Our Blessings

Soul Connection 197 ~ Receive Our Blessings

While you read this, the Soul Cleanse Team of Spirit Beings and I would like to bestow upon you blessings of energy and love. To prepare, take a few breaths and relax. You may choose to listen to soothing music or listen to our Angelic choir in your mind or by using recorded music such as Tom Kenyon’s Ghandarva ceremony.
You may also invite other loving Beings, such as Saints, Masters, Angels, your Spirit Guides and Heavenly Helpers to join us. To call them in, place your attention on each one as you invite them to join us. One way to do this is to call their name three times, either out loud or within your mind.
What we are going to do is send love and healing energies to you. You do not need to think about anything during this time, just receive the energies and feel the love. This is our gift to you. Get into a comfortable position. Remain in our energy as long as you wish. We love you dearly and are honored to gift you in this manner. Enjoy!

© 2016 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved.
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Feel stuck? Got entities? Addictions? Consider a SoulCleanse today!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Nancy Crom

    Wow! That was some powerful energy! It felt great! Thanks so much for this gift!!!

    1. admin

      Things are really amping up now! Can you feel it?

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