Limiting beliefs keep many at the level of poverty. This need not be so. Consider what good you could do in the world if you had more than you needed. At the least, you could free up a tremendous amount of time and energy that is currently expended on making ends meet or saving for a “rainy day.”
Your dreams and goals will be limited as long as you hold onto fears and limiting beliefs. Truly, the world is yours to co-create and to manifest whatever you wish to experience. There are legions on the “Other Side” who are more than willing to fulfill your desires.
As long as you feel yourself unworthy of receiving an abundance of gifts, you will be blocked from having all you desire. Look back on your life and find the blocks that keep you from realizing the powerful and wonder filled person that you are. Dare to imagine how your life could change if you had all you needed and more. Where would you go? What would you do? What changes would you make?
Begin to make those choices today. Feel what it would be like to have a life of abundance. Dream big, for all is possible. Take time to look at what you sincerely wish to manifest and see yourself receiving the abundance that you deserve.
Break the blocks; key the locks.
Open the door and in it will pour!
© 2016 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved.
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