The SoulCleanse® Process

What to Expect During the SoulCleanse

After I receive your responses to the questionnaire, I am usually able to begin the SoulCleanse within 48 hours.

First, I “tune in” with the SoulCleanse Team. They, in turn, connect with your Higher Self and anyone you are requesting assistance for. The Higher Self of each person then oversees all work that is done. I do not direct them in any way.

The Higher Self creates the human aspect of itself, so it holds the blueprint for your life, having full access to all thoughts and experiences of the your past, current and future lives. The Higher Self knows exactly what needs to be done and what is to be left alone.

My role, as the mediator, is to send any messages that I receive from the Team, to you. Thus, you may receive insights to the situation at hand and advisement on what is needed to empower yourself.

When the initial cleanse is complete, l will email your SoulCleanse® report along with additional information, tools and resources to help you navigate life as a human.

In most cases, several daily follow up cleanses are performed to clear more layers of stuck energies. You are encouraged to ask for assistance for whatever problems you are grappling with.

At any time, you can request additional follow up cleanses and advice.

All work is performed by donation, payable after the work is complete.

Areas Addressed by the SoulCleanse®

Dispel Black Magic, Spells, Curses, Vows
Clear Haunted Houses and Work Places
Physical, Emotional, Mental Cleanse
Non-Beneficial Cords and Implants
Close Inter-Dimensional Portals
Release Earthbound Beings
Education to Enhance Life
Balance Energy Field
Emotional Release
Chakra Balance
Past Lives
Aura Repair
Physical Detox
DNA Enhancement
Mental Health Issues
Break Addiction Cycle
Assistance with Awakening
Explore Areas of Vulnerability
Release Layers of Stuck Emotions
General Cleanse ~ 5 Mile Radius of Home
Generational Ties ~ Grandparents to Grandchildren
Interference from Humans and Other Dimensional Beings

** All work and emails are confidential
and will not be shared.**

What to Expect After the SoulCleanse

Everyone experiences the SoulCleanse differently, which is to be expected since every person is unique and complex. The most common reactions are feeling more emotional than usual. Many also experience physical detox symptoms which mimic mild cold or flu symptoms, headaches and excess tiredness. This usually comes on suddenly and often subsides quickly. The symptoms from the initial cleanse usually last from one to five days.

Most clients also report mental clarity and inner peace. Solutions to problems, courage to make life changes and spiritual insights often occur.

98% of the clients require several daily follow-up cleanses. This allows the clients to experience more “fine-tuning” and release of additional entities and stuck energies. During this time, we communicate through email, allowing for more exchange of information.

The SoulCleanse will clear out a number of blockages. However, you will still need to do your “inner work” to continue on your Path to spiritual enlightenment.

The Team will assign Heavenly Helpers to remain with you for a few days following the final SoulCleanse, for nurturance and support.

I will send you an email when the work is complete. You will be given additional suggestions and resources to help along your path. You will also receive invitations to future Celestial Gatherings, which includes a SoulCleanse.

The email will also include a link where you can make your donation. The monetary amount is completely up to the client. Clients are encouraged to email me at any time for further assistance.

For more information, visit the SoulCleanse FAQ page.

To get started, fill out the contact form above.

Many blessings! 

SoulCleanse® Testimonials

MS in Portugal

“Thank you again for the Soul Cleansing you and the Heavenly Helpers performed. Overall, I am feeling more happy now. Knowing why I came on Earth has given me a lot of peace of mind. In my life I have questioned ‘everything.’ But with the report you sent me, I didn’t have any doubt in my mind. After I received the SoulCleanse, I let a dear friend of mine know about it. She told me how much you are helping her as well. This was more confirmation that you are ‘the Real Deal.’”    
M.S.,  Portugal

DH in WA

“The building where I work has quieted down. You definitely made a difference. So, let’s hope the paranormal station behaves.”    
D.H.,  Washington

JM in Florida

“I don’t see the shadow people anymore. Also, my door has stopped closing by itself!”    
J.M.,  Florida

AF in Wisconsin

“Thank you so much for your work! I have been leveling up a lot faster and holding the new platform better than ever before. I’m making lots of waves and personal achievements. My psychic abilities are on overdrive.  And my heart is opening as well.  Lots of positive perspective changes. Smoking is down a lot. Most of the time I put it out right away after lighting.”  
A.F.,  Wisconsin

AR in CA

“I’m very pleased with the results. I’ve been in a lot of emotional pain and the lifting of the 4 earthbound beings is nice! Also, my motivation to care for myself is coming back. And I let go of a situation that’s been tying me down. My life has been in a stuck pattern. Thank you so much. Life has been so much more peaceful!”   
A.R.,  California

KB in GA

“The SoulCleanse was fascinating! I feel more open to the changes to come. Now I feel more connected to the universe and finding my place in it. Also, finding out that I’m an empath helps. It makes sense of so many confusing years. Now I am excited and encouraged for the rest of the journey. Thank you again, Theresa! You have been so instrumental in shedding light in my life! Bless you!”
K.B.,  Georgia

BB in NC

“I know I have been dogged by some of these hanger-on entities for a long time. I had something like this done in 1998, but it was not as thorough. You have a real gift. After the Cleanse, I felt something “lift” – a freeing. I “automatically” began doing some things I had been putting off for as long as a year.”
B.B., North Carolina

HS in UK

“The results surprised and impressed me. Also, the speed at which you performed this was amazing. I appreciate the time invested in your feedback. Thank you for tailoring this to my needs.”     
H.S.,  United Kingdom

KH in Austria

“I am much more relaxed and grateful for everything since the SoulCleanse. Also, now I see certain issues from a different angle and with more honesty. I was expecting you would tell me that I had many spells, ties or very bad karma. I thought that was the reason I haven’t been able to thrive. But I am surprised and glad to see that wasn’t the case. Instead, the only things that are holding me back are my own thoughts!”
K.H., Austria

AW in FL

“The SoulCleanse that I received was absolutely invigorating. The cleanse cleared everything in an instant. So, thank you so much for your love and light.”      
A.W.,  Florida