Morning Message 101721

You did not come to earth to save anyone. What is there to be saved from when you remember your True Roots as a child of the Creator? Put your ego to rest and spend your time more focused on how to expand your true nature of Divine Love. Practice anchoring inner peace, no matter situation in which you find yourself. What else is of more importance this day? ~ Rev. Theresa Crabtree


Message from the Masters 082221

Message from the Masters Full Moon Celestial Gatherings August 22, 2021   Greetings Dear Ones, We know that many of you are concerned about world events, including natural disasters. However, within you lies tremendous powers to help soothe the energies of the earth. When a storm is brewing, go within and concentrate your energies. Focus on love and the feeling that in the Big Picture, all is well. Then make your plea or request to the nature elementals. Ask them to soothe the storm and…


Message from the Masters New Moon Celestial Gathering June 10, 2021   Greetings Dear Ones, We are always en-light-ened by the time we spend in communion with you. It is our highest hope and desire that you will take time from your busy day to commune with your “Higher Self” and personal Spirit Team more often, preferably on a daily basis. This communion is essential for anyone who is diligent about pursuing enlightenment during their current incarnation. It is simple to do, but one’s busy-ness,…


Message from the Masters: April 11, 2021

Message from the Masters New Moon Celestial Gathering April 11, 2021   Greetings! We are well pleased for this opportunity to communicate with you. We know that you have many questions about the universe and how to connect with your Guides. Many of you have had glimpses of your Heavenly Helpers and snippets of information that have come through so clearly that you knew, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that it was truly an inspirational thought from a benevolent Being much wiser than you.…


Every Day is a Gift

Every Day is a Gift Message from the Masters 113020 Celestial Gathering Greetings Dear Ones, We have the utmost respect and Love for each of you as you awaken and move out of your “comfort zone.” We recognize that life is similar to a battleground, whichever way you look, on Earth at this time. Your trials and tribulations in many ways are much more difficult than when we walked the land. However, on the other hand, you have many more “creature comforts” and assistance available…


Releasing the Old

Message from the Masters New Moon Celestial Gathering November 15, 2020 Hello Dear Ones, We experience much joy in communion with you. We encourage you to take time to go inward and do what is necessary to keep yourself centered and in peace. Know that the more that you focus on what you do not want to experience, the more you will draw it near to you. Things seem to be a bit backwards at times, but when one considers the truth of this, it…


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